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Sleeklens redesign case.

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About the client

Sleeklens is a team of top-notch photographers and designers, based in Denmark that creates unique Lightroom and Photoshop products. Their products could be used by both professional photographers and aspiring enthusiasts. If you are just starting off, be sure to find a detailed step-by-step explanation on how to create your own masterpieces using Lightroom Presets or Photoshop Actions. Sleeklens have also launched their own professional retouching service that will take care of all your editing needs.

Sleeklens’ main goal is to provide you with a product that works “with” you not “for” you.

01Client problem

Since the company provides a wide range of products and services it was important to properly present those so that any customer could easily navigate the web site and find exactly what that came for, whether it is a professional photographer looking to purchase a Photoshop product or an aspiring beginner who wants to find detailed instructions or a solution to a problem in the blog section.


The redesign was made with users in mind. The idea was to present useful photographer services in a simple, yet detailed manner. The concept was based on a simple grid system. We used minimalistic design and the main accents were made by using the minimalistic font and counterbalanced colors such as Turquoise, Verdun Green and Venetian Red.
Development, Design
3 months
PHP (WordPress, Woocommerce), CSS/SASS, HTML5, Javascript/jQuery
Design, Development, UI/UX
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